I thoroughly enjoy my photography workshops and the one with Nathan and his wife Anna from Arsenal, North London was no different. It is so rewarding to see my clients transfer the way they think about taking photos in only three hours!
They owned a Nikon D7000 and have a three year old daughter who they would love to take better photos off. Nathan felt that they were currently not making full use of all the functions and took all shots in automatic mode.
My workshop is perfect if you own a DSLR or bridge camera and is designed with parents in mind, so in addition to understanding your camera you will also receive lots of practical tips to photograph your children whatever their age...
Since the course was a present to Anna, I focussed most of my attention to her and after taking her through the basic settings we practised on her daughter and willing husband. There is a lot to take in, in the theory section of the course but it’s necessary to understand what ‘makes’ a good photo. Not only is it vital to understand how all the buttons work on your camera but probably even more important is how to work with the light available.
Here is a photo taken by Anna before the course of her lovely daughter and to make the comparison more fair I used one that wasn't taken with flash.